Cercado eléctrico temporal para el pastoreo en franjas de explotaciones ovinas


Un ganadero de ovino se dirigió a Nemtek en busca de una solución de pastoreo en franjas para poder confinar a sus ovejas a pastar en zonas específicas de sus campos de hierba plantados y regados.


The farmer required a temporary and portable fence enclosure in order to confine his sheep to particular grazing areas. The sheep paddock enclosure would be moved on a daily basis for an eight week cycle period.


Four sides of Nemtek Electric Fence Netting for sheep and goats was installed with a Nemtek Agri 25 Solar Energizer including a battery to keep the netting electrified, thereby preventing the sheep from escaping the temporary paddock enclosure while grazing.


The easy-to-install and portable paddock enclosure, using the Nemtek Electric Fence Netting, is the perfect solution for the farmer to have complete control over the strip grazing on his farm.