Clôture électrique pour une grande ferme d'élevage de gibier


Le propriétaire d'une grande ferme d'élevage de gibier a demandé à Nemtek de trouver une solution pour empêcher les animaux de s'échapper à travers la clôture et pour empêcher les prédateurs tels que les chacals et les caracals de pénétrer dans le périmètre de la clôture existante.


On the game farm, there was an existing 25km barrier fence but the farm required a monitored offset fence on the existing perimeter fence in order to solve the problems they were facing.


A 10 wire electric fence was created by using offsets attached to the existing perimeter fence. Three double offsets and a triple offset with porcelain insulators were installed every five metres to create the fence. The triple offsets with two live wires and earth wire were installed at the bottom of the existing fence to improve the earthing conditions.

In addition 500mm from the fence, 40cm high Y-Pickets with a single wire were installed to prevent animals from digging under the fence. Porcelain combo tensioners and S-Hooks were used for tensioning, along with porcelain strainers. Three Druid 114 LCD energizers were also installed and housed in metal enclosures to monitor and control the electric fence.


With the game farm’s entire existing fence now covered by Nemtek’s electric fencing solution, the owner has peace of mind that their animals are kept safe and secure from predators, and from escaping.